Sunday, October 16, 2011

Courage to change

Today is my youngest son´s and my grandson´s birthday. At one time there was a risk that none of them would be present in this world today. Luckily we live in a time when science has come forth with cures for many forms of cancer, including those that my son and grandson had. One time someone said to my grandson that it was so sad that he was ill. My grandson answered: I am not ill, it is only my blood that has something bad in it.

I think there are some similarities with many organizations. Most organizations were born with a great purpose and lots of energy but at one point they got something bad in their veins, some kind of blockages or illnesses, that impacted the health of the whole organization. This does not mean that the organization is ill but that there is something in it that needs to be cleansed.

When you do the diagnosis as in Organizational Health and Balance, one of the foundational workshops in the Genuine Contact program, you learn to use the words cleanse, balance and nourish. Cleanse what is no longer useful. Balance what is out of balance, what you have to live with and can do nothing about. Nourish the good things that are already done in the organization. Don´t throw the baby out with the water.

This is good start on the road to get back to health and balance. As with all paths to health and balance, there is always a possibility, or you might want to call it risk, that you as the leader of an organization will be put on your own change journey. We who work within the Genuine Contact program, work from invitation. We invite people to come together and use their wisdom for the benefit of their organization or community. There is also another invitation, which sometimes is not explicit. This is the invitation for you to start on your own learning and change journey. I think that sometimes this unspoken invitation might be what prevents people from saying yes to the journey.

It is not always easy to be in a phase of transformation. You release or cleanse those patterns, habits and thoughts that is stopping you from living your full potential. Sometimes this creates a change in your environment with old friends walking away and new coming in. It could also mean that you have to look at yourself in a new light. Quite often we also forget to take care of the valuable sides we have and nourish them. We only look on the dark sides and think they are all the way through us. It is interesting how often other people don´t acknowledge those sides but see the light within us, that we tend to forget. So again with the words of my grandson: We are not ill, it is only something that is blocking us from showing our light right now.

Time to unclutter ourselves. With the words of Birgitt Williams: Courageous living is what we are asked to embrace. So let us be courageous, just like those young people who fight their cancer and other illnesses.

While you are thinking, support the Swedish Cancer Society and Rosa Bandet for finding cures for breast cancer. Cancerfondens rosa band 2011, design Per Holknekt och Lena Philipsson. Foto Melker Dahlstrand.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

The space in the middle of the forest

“There is a space in the middle of the forest that can only be found by those who get lost".

"Two truths approach each other, one comes from the inside, one from the outside and where they meet you get a chance to see yourself."
With gratitude to the Nobel Prize Laurate Tomas Tranströmer, the author of these wise quotes.

Changing the body language of an organization requires just that – finding that special space, the meeting place for inside and outside, where there is enough freedom to find spirit and creativity. To reach this space there has to be a possibility to get lost so different perspectives can meet - looking from the inside out and from the outside in and allowing the blending of those different views. In nature where the forest meets the meadow is the place where you find the biggest variety of plants. Two perspectives meet and results in wonderful creativity.

Do you want to find this space in your organization to have access to all the wonderful solutions and ideas that could mark a new era for the organization? So how can you create the possibility to get lost and allow perspectives to meet? How can you find that special space where there is room for the mind to soar to new hights and many sparks can ignite new ideas?

There is one blockage to creating this kind of space and that is when the environment is too restricted, when there is so much to do and not enough resources, when there are so many control functions to adjust to and where there is no one asking you to share your wisdom.

With that said, I would like to share a really simple recipe with you, that can be used as a gateway to the forest. It is called Open Space Technology and it creates the possibility to get lost so you can find the wonderful space in the middle of the forest. It also allows for many different perspectives to approach each other and meet and the result can be a diversity of beautiful plants that could assure the successful future of the organization.

To do an Open Space Technology meeting you only need an urgent issue, a warm heart and some guidelines to follow. The only things that could mess up the meeting are those mentioned above, control and restrictions. If you don´t want to do it yourself the first time, call a facilitator. A facilitator is a person who comes with another perspective that meets yours so you have the possibility to get lost and find your space of creativity and inspiration.

Creativity comes with spirit as in in-spired. When the roads is so narrow and surrounded by walls, there is no room for spirit so it might well hide in a drawer in your desk. Artwork from the Genuine Contact program, created by Birgitt and Ward Williams, Dalar International Consultancy.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Recipe for Change - a simple one

Some say changing an organization and its culture is a huge effort and is very difficult. Big organizations need the implementation of complex systems at a huge cost. Some say that you need to implement many different protocols so people know what to do and an overall control system so you know they follow the protocols. Some say it is necessary that consultants do the change work so that senior leaders can do their job as usual. Some even talk about change management.

I say that what you need is a recipe, a simple and easy to do-recipe that everyone could learn to use, a recipe that creates a different body language which tells people about a different approach and way of working. What you also need is the big commitment from the senior leaders to do the work and to hang in there when things get uncertain, which they always are when change comes. Which they in fact always are, because change can not be managed.

So you take this recipe and do just as you do with any recipe or manual you use when you want to learn something new. You follow it to the point when you make the cake for the very first time. Then you learn how it originally tastes and what are the features of that special cake. Then you start experimenting to make it your own cake, adapting the recipe to what you have at home or what kind of occasion you make it for. It becomes so easy for you to make the cake that you share the “easy cake” recipe with many others and it becomes a natural piece at your coffee tables.

My thesis about the recipe comes from many years of experience of facilitating meetings with a different body language, showing people that there are other ways of working that promotes a different approach. Those meetings are participatory, inclusive and invites people´s creativity and responsibility. They work from the values that people are valuable, wise and want to make a difference. Adults are fully capable of making well-grounded decisions and taking responsibility for them. Just reflect a second - what are underpinning values of the meetings you attend?

Changing the culture and approach in an organization requires a commitment from the senior leaders and a change of meeting methods so the organizational body language changes. It takes about 20 days to start the process and share the recipe with internal facilitators. After that it is a part of the daily ongoing work, naturally implementing itself while at the same time adapting the recipe so it fits the organization. At the same time the people nourish what is already working fine and cleanse what is no longer useful.

The recipe has a name – it is called the Genuine Contact© program. My dear friends Birgitt and Ward Williams are the originators of this recipe and I was lucky they shared it with me.