Sunday, August 28, 2011

Harrison Owen on assymetrical patterns

Today one of my friends invited me to read an article of Harrison Owen on Facebook. A lot to think about. He speaks about assymetrical patterns in the world and we can easily see it but what does it mean in the organizations? We know that doing more of the same is seldom the answer to solving problems we face today. So when I later read about the culture in Gothenburg where it seems that it is okey to use public money (taxes) for private affairs and where bribes are part of the normal, I started to think about what the assymetrical pattern means here. Some people want more control. Will it help? Is that only more of the same symmetrical thinking that has not helped before and will not help now. Here are some of Harrison Owen´s own writing to consider:
Supposing everything is asymmetrical? Or what would be perhaps more distressing – everything is so complex, interconnected and fast moving that even though patterns of symmetry may exist, our capacity to comprehend, and certainly control, is so limited as to be non-existent. Not only would the world be out of joint, as we perceive it, we could do little, if anything, to rectify the situation. And certainly our previous tools of the trade (planning, system design, to say nothing of the Diplomatic Code or The Rules of War) are inadequate for the task.

Why don´t go there and read the rest of it. I am still thinking.

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