Monday, November 10, 2014

Nourishing a Culture of Leadership

Vi behöver en ny typ av ledarskap - extraordinärt ledarskap. Det innebär att leda så att alla kan leda. Min goda vän och kollega Birgitt Williams skriver om detta i sin nya bok The Genuine Contact Way: Nourishing a Culture of Leadership. Hon har precis startat en internationell turné där hon lär oss hur vi kan främja en sådan kultur för ledarskap som våra organisationer behöver för att vi som arbetar i dem ska må bra, kunna utvecklas och arbeta från vår potential. 

Här är hennes egna ord om första workshopen på turnén: 
Last evening Ward and I launched the promotion tour of The Genuine Contact Way at an event in Durham, North Carolina sponsored by two women who are deeply immersed in Dynamic Facilitation and find our Genuine Contact work to be wonderfully in alignment and complimentary to their learning and their beliefs. We explored beliefs and their impact on leadership, and introduced the five beliefs upon which the Genuine Contact way of working and living is based. There were so many great breakthroughs in the three hour workshop and those breakthroughs affect the world. Some comments in the closing circle included ‘I now commit to taking leadership of my life-I have given lip service to this for a long time and only now realize that I don’t lead my life and it is time to do so’; ‘in theory, we believe that leadership is in everyone and we need to lead our organizations accordingly—in practice, we don’t follow our beliefs of what is true—it is time to bring our beliefs and our actions into alignment’. So, we had a great beginning, and I am thrilled that there are many more opportunities coming up to stimulate thinking and choices. Next stop in the tour is Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
Blessings to all,

Vår tur att få lära oss mera och delta i de här omvälvande eventen blir i april 2015, Håll ögonen öppna i Oslo, Göteborg, Malmö och Stockholm. Vi ser verkligen fram emot detta. Läs mer på Genuine Contact Way